It’s finally warming up and things are starting to grow! Although we can still have some night frosts and chilly mornings, May is the month to get everything rolling, with this in mind, we’ve created your May to-do list.
1. Spring Clean
Continue with the spring cleaning. Hoe your borders and beds to get rid of all weeds before they take hold. Do not allow annual weeds such as bittercress and groundsel to multiply by seeding. Chop off Dandelions heads before they set seed if you don’t have time to deal with them permanently. Carry on removing moss and weeds from paths, terraces, and drives and keep an eye out for pests around the garden. Watch out for slugs, snails and red lily beetles.
2. Planting Flowers, Plants, Vegetables and Herbs
May is the perfect month to plant annual flowers, herbs and summer bulbs. When it comes to planting flowers, you want to choose a variety that suit your climate and preferences. We recommend unique flowers like dahlias, zinnias, marigolds and petunias, but of course make sure you read how much water each one needs making sure you provide adequate amounts. Do this and we are sure your garden will come alive with beautiful blooming buds!
Us Brits often love growing our own herbs at home! May is also the ideal month to expand your herb garden take it to that next level. With the warm weather just appearing round the corner, herbs and to thrive during this time, providing fresh flavours and fragrances to enhance cooking skills.
Interested? Consider growing Sage, Rosemary, Oregano, Lemon grass, Dill, Mint, Coriander, and much more!
3. Prune
Lift and divide overcrowded bulbs such as daffodils. Prune spring-flowering shrubs once they have finished flowering like Forsythia, Spiraea, Berberis, Choisya and Ribes. Cut back tender shrubs such as Penstemon, Caryopteris and Fuchsia after the danger of frost has passed. Deadhead tulips, daffodils Pansies, Violas and Primulas. Prune out frost damage from affected evergreen shrubs. Young mimosa trees can also be cut back now but bear in mind that mature trees respond less well to pruning.
New to pruning? Check out the plants should you prune in the spring.
Don’t forget to mulch your borders as well!
4. Tie your Climbing Plants
Tie in climbing and rambling roses as near to horizontal as possible to restrict sap flow and to allow more shoots to grow along the length of stem. This will prompt more flowers to be produced. Check roses for signs of blackspot, aphids and leaf-rolling sawfly damage and treat with a suitable pest and disease control.
A Pergola makes the perfect structure for growing climbing plants and vines that will entwine and trail. Find out more about growing with pergolas, planters and beds.
5. Mow the Lawn
When mowing the lawn in warmer months, try not to cut it extremely short as the more grass covers the soil, the better! Remember to add the clippings to your compost pile. Continue to apply a high nitrogen liquid fertiliser to keep the lawn looking healthy.
Watering your lawn in the summer is essential if you are looking to keep it green. As the warm weather continues, the sun will dry out the top of the soil and kill the grass. So stop this from happening with continuous water!