Learn more about our DIY Log Cabins

Looking for your next challenge? Our DIY Log Cabins and Garden Offices are ideal for you. Whatever your DIY level, this project has to be your next one. Our log cabin kit might appear daunting when it is first delivered, but could not be easier.

It doesn’t matter which of our range of Log Cabins you choose from, or whether you choose one of our products to enhance a smaller space such as our Pergolas and Gazebos, we have built our DIY kits with longevity and ease in mind. The majority of our customers build our Log Cabins in as little as a weekend.

Tongue and Groove Timber

Each individual outer log in your kit will have a tongue and groove finish. The first reason for this is that timber naturally expands and contracts throughout the year. By using tongue and groove it allows for the natural movement without the timber becoming dislodged.

In terms of construction, the tongue and groove timber makes the individual timber logs fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Each wall log should seamlessly fit into the other. As timber is a natural product, there will be occasions where the timber warps or twists.

Read our blog on how to overcome natural defects of timber for advice on how to easily rectify this. We do ask for your Log Cabin to be completely square, so use a spirit level after adding each wall log.

We don’t use low quality manufactured shiplap panels for our Log Cabins, as we prefer individual logs. While this may initially seem like more work than if they were prebuilt boards, you will love the finish that it gives your cabin.

This also helps ease installation should you opt to add insulation to your Log Cabin. The Polyisocyanurate panels can be cut to size and fitted between the floor bearers before your flooring is secured.


The little touches – pre delivery

Our Log Cabin kits have what we refer to as the ‘little touches’ to make your cabin easier to build and make your consumer journey that little bit more special. We design our Log Cabins so you don’t have to worry about planning permission before placing it in your garden giving you complete control over where you place it.

When you confirm your order, either online or with our sales team, you are invited to join our customer portal. All you need to enter this portal is your postcode and our sales order number. This portal will have your instruction manual for your Log Cabin which you can download. This gives you the time to sit and read through it, identifying any challenges you may face.

In addition to giving you time to prepare, we also allow you to track your driver on the day of your delivery. If you have already ordered one of our high quality Log Cabins, we tell you how to track your order here.

This lets you retain your freedom on the day of the delivery, you can go to the shop or pop into the office if you need to. Just keep an eye on our tracker to make sure you are in when your delivery does arrive.

The little touches – construction

We also ensure all of the fixings you will need are delivered with your package. This helps avoid any last minute trips to the local hardware store or digging around your tool box for an errant rawl plug or screw. This allows you to have everything you need to hand when your delivery arrives so you can start construction.

The glass in your doors and windows are internally beaded. This not only makes them easier to install but you can easily remove them if you need to. This makes it easier to treat your Log Cabin, allowing you to remove the glass panes to ensure you don’t miss any part of your cabin.

While we know our Log Cabins feature 4mm toughened glass which is extremely hard to break, we are also aware that accidents happen. In the rare event you need to replace a pane of glass, it will be a simple case of taking the old one out, putting the new one in and securing the beading.

Our research and development department are always looking into how to improve our existing range, as well as creating new models. Many of our Garden Buildings have customisation options, allowing you to create a building that is perfect for you. Visit our website to see our entire range or call our sales team on 01234 272 445 to discuss options.


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