Five Reasons Working in a Garden Office is Good

We’ve put together five reasons why working from home in a  garden office can be a good thing. Can you think of any more?

1. There’s No Commute

working in a garden office means no more commute and car traffic jams

You don’t need to spend time in traffic, cramped trains or on cold platforms waiting for delayed trains. Instead, grab yourself a giant mug of coffee and walk down to your garden office. The trip to the bottom of the garden will be the shortest trip you’ll have ever made to work and the traffic is minimal.

2. The Freedom

working in a garden office at home gives you more freedom

Working from a garden office allows you freedom. You can work the hours you wish to work. You can play music extremely loud if you so desire, it won’t disturb your co-workers now, will it? There’ll be no need to rush home to watch Wimbledon or the Chelsea game, you can just put it on your iPad or television while you’re working.

3. The Scenery

mountain landscape - garden offices provide better scenery

There are no fluorescent lights in your garden office. It’s not a dull, depressing, colourless office of a cubicle. It’s your space, personalised to meet your own style, taste and working needs. It can be bold and bright or pastel colours. You could have posters and big red filing cabinets if you so wish. It is entirely up to you how you choose to decorate your garden office work space, as you are the one who will be spending your time in there.

4. The Amenities

working from home - woman drinking coffee in the kitchen

There’s no smelly shared fridge where you risk your food going missing. No machine to take your money in return for a weak coffee or none at all. There’s no risk of going without milk either. Everything is yours. It’s up to you to stock the fridge, make sure you have coffee, and when you don’t you can always pop out to the shop or even your favourite café!

5. Loved Ones are Close By

garden office - support network

Admittedly this reason for working from a garden office is both a pro and con. You should never miss a family function, like your child or grandchild’s school play or parents evening, because your office is now at the bottom of the garden. However, family and friends don’t always know the boundaries so may expect you to help out with errands, or will drop in for a chat. Make sure you set clear boundaries so that your work doesn’t become interrupted.

However, the beauty of having a separate office building in the garden is that you can keep yourself and your work away from any distractions in the house. Let people know that when you are locked away in your garden office, it means do not disturb. It is your own private space.

Take a look at our wide range of Garden Offices.


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