The house sparrow has been around since the Stone Age. A very sociable bird, they are commonly found nesting in holes and boxes, if needed they will evict swallows and martins from their nests. Once a very common bird, the house sparrow has declined rapidly since 1975; the reasons for this are unknown although it is a cause for great debate amongst bird watchers.
We are always looking for cost-effective ways that we can encourage you to save endangered species – ensuring that your garden looks good in the process. We have searched through a number of various birdhouse ideas’ to find some that are easy and cheap to make. Our research resulted in the knowledge that you can turn pretty much anything into a birdhouse; mailboxes, terracotta pots, coconuts, and even old boots! Our favourite is the milk carton creations as they are quick to make and you can have loads of fun building them.
Here is a step by step on how to make a DIY birdhouse and all you will need is:
- A milk or juice carton
- Different coloured paints
- Scissors or craft knife
- String and nail
- Screwdriver
- Masking tape
- Decorative material
Empty the carton and wash it out ensuring that it is clean. Wipe dry with a kitchen towel or leave to dry for an hour to ensure the inside is completely dry. Once dry, staple the top of the carton closed and ensure there are no gaps. Using strips of masking tape, fully cover the milk carton, this will help to weatherproof your birdhouse.
Using a pair of open scissors or a craft knife cut a circle in the side of the milk carton.
Make a hole on each side of the carton top and thread through the string. Tie the loose ends together to create a way to hang the birdhouse. Alternatively, you can push a nail through the entrance hole and push it into the back in order to pin it up.
Once dry, add some hay, twigs, and feathers to show the Sparrows that this is intended to be there home. Add a little bit of birdseed to encourage them in before placing it in your garden.
Remember to send us pictures of your completed birdhouses so that we can put them on our Social Media pages.
You now can decorate these as bright, colourful and extravagant as you want. Here is an example of one we made to inspire you.
A simple lick of paint can change a milk carton into a lovely birdhouse. Be as extravagant as you like!
Check out some of the other craft projects and fun ideas in our Blog.