A Summer House a Midsummers Night Dream

Are you looking for a Summer House to add to your garden?

The quintessential English Summers day, the click of leather on willow, skylarks ascending, flies descending and that wasp threatening…then down comes the rain, everyone running indoors and 30 minutes later running out again as it was only a shower. Does it always have to be like this? Would it not be idyllic to have a ready made shelter in the cool area of the garden that provides shade and shelter?

Look no further what we need is a Summer House or is it Summerhouse both are acceptable. A quiet place where we can store our picnic and keep our drinks cool, lemon barley anyone? I wandered lonely as a cloud until I discovered a Summerhouse to paraphrase Wordsworth because anyone who uses o’er is asking to be plagiarised. Talking of Wordsworth did you know that William Cowper used his Summer House in Olney to sit in and write? He also used another Summerhouse at the nearby Country estate. Olney in Bedfordshire by the way is also famous for its Pancake Race so well worth a visit on Shrove Tuesday.

Dunster House, also based in Bedfordshire (see what I did there), manufacture amazing beautiful Summerhouses or even Summer Houses. We even have one building called a Titania (see how I wove the Midsummers Night Dream in there and the Bard) (GET ON WITH IT. ED.) OK so I got in 3 of England’s greatest poets.

The Dunster House range is comprehensive, stylish and above all quality. Look at these fantastic features:

10-Year Guarantee on Pressure Treated Floor Bearers

All Spruce, Not Cheap Pine

Fixtures & Fittings Included

Free Delivery

Full Length Logs, Not Mixed or Finger Jointed

Great Prices, Buy Direct – NO Middleman

Pressure Treated Floor Bearers as Standard

Toughened Glass, Not Styrene

If Wordsworth had one of these in his garden he wouldn’t have wandered anywhere!

Dunster House Summerhouses feature, large purlins for extra roof strength, industry-leading walkthrough height, French double doors, and large windows with unique Dunster House domestic hinges. Unlike some competitors, we use 4mm toughened glass not shed spec glazing or plastic alternatives. We also use pressure treated floor bearers which the summerhouse will sit upon. Anything else just isn’t a Dunster!

Established for over 25 years. Your reassurance of our knowledge and experience. UK Company. UK designed products. 9 distribution centres, delivering with our own fleet across most of the UK. All products are uniquely designed, high quality with many industry leading features you will struggle to find anywhere else!

A Summer House is not just for summer though and with thought can be a place of wonder even in the winter; all cosy inside with a glass of hot mulled wine for instance, looking at the ever changing glory that is your garden in winter. A Robin perhaps, that squirrel still trying to work out how to rob the bird table, the foliage change and always the splendour of an English garden.

How about a place for the children to play? Their own games room. Just a place to kick back relax and hang out after a hard day’s work? Even a gym to work out in whilst looking at the garden? The possibilities are endless and only your imagination and unique flair can bring them to reality.

Dunster House use quality Spruce, not Pine, Shiplap Cladding. Shiplap cladding is named after the old boatmaking technique with overlapping boards, which means that the natural timber can expand and contract with the seasons and not create gaps. The curve or channel of shiplap cladding enables water to run off easily, helping to protect your Summerhouse from the effects of damp.

Due to the unique design of a Dunster House product, in the vast majority of cases our garden buildings can be installed without the need for planning permission.

However, there are a few other factors to consider:

As all properties are different in size, shape and style we can only advise based on how we have designed our products, not on your property.

When to consider planning permission:

– If the garden building exceeds over 2.5m tall – the majority of Dunster House buildings do not exceed this.

– If you intend on putting an outbuilding in front of the main elevation of your property (as it was originally built or as it was on 1st July 1948) will require Planning Permission.

– If you live in a listed or graded building

– If you live in a designated area such as areas of outstanding natural beauty, national parks, world heritage sites and conservation areas.

– If there is a possibility that over 50% of your garden would be taken up by outbuildings.

I leave it to the Bard to close this blog.

“If we shadows have offended,

Think but this, and all is mended:

That you have but slumbered here,

While these visions did appear”


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