The Bright Side of Working from Home

Remote working has been embraced nationwide this year. Face to face meetings have been replaced by video calls, morning traffic jams replaced with a quick commute and the need for additional space has never been more apparent. We know that working from home can sometimes present problems but we want to show you the bright side of working from home.

Save money

Working from home can actually help you save money.  After your initial investment in creating a working space that allows you to transition between ‘home mode’ and ‘work mode’, you will see your savings mount up. Your commute to work requires no petrol, no impromptu stops for coffee or last minute lunches. Four pound for a coffee every other day may not seem like a large investment, it can quickly add up (£12 a week, £48 a month, £500 + a year).

Why not put a money box in your new office and place the money you would save into it each week. After 6 months, open it and see how much you have saved before spending it on a well earned takeaway, day out or put it towards a holiday.

The Bright Side of Working From Home is plenty of sunlight

Natural Lighting

The benefits of Vitamin D have been well reported throughout history. When working from the office you will often walk to the shop to pick up lunch or stand outside chatting to your colleagues. These actions unknowingly expose you to UV rays which are beneficial to your house. You are less likely to spend time outside when you are working from within your home so are not exposed to as much natural sunlight.

There are numerous benefits to exposing your body to natural sunlight. These include better sleep due to better control of your serotonin and melatonin levels, a natural energy boost and lowering your blood pressure. Our Garden Offices have large opening windows and doors along the front wall allowing sunlight to flood your office throughout your working day.

You streamline your time

This will take a little bit of willpower but you will actually become more productive when working from home because you will be in control. Your colleagues are not around to just ‘pop’ to your desk and ask you a question, or the ten minute chat that inevitably happens when you are making a coffee. When working from home you can put your notifications or mute and buckle down.

Our Garden Offices feature multipoint locking systems and double glazed glass in the windows and doors. This allows you to physically lock out any distractions and focus on your next task. While it may appear extreme at times, this will allow you to finish work on time and have more time at home.

Thirty seconds from home to work, the bright side of working from home

Better home/ work life balance

Working from a home office not only lets you better streamline your working hours, but your home hours too. By cutting the commute down to just five minutes, you give yourself time to manage the other daily tasks you have. Prepping dinner and putting it in the slow cooker, put that load of washing in the washing machine and other tasks you normally can not do until you are home from work. This time saving through the day allows you to actually utilise your time off in the evenings.

By working from a Garden Office, instead of a room in the home, you give yourself a place where you can physically switch off from work. You can lock the door and walk away from the office, and back into your home. This can stop you from checking your emails ‘quickly’ before bed time which can lead to hours. An office separate from the house allows you to better manage your home work life balance.

The bright side of working from home, you can decorate any way you want

You can create your perfect office space

The most productive work space is different for everyone. Some people like to work in silence, some like to blast music. Some like a bright, colourful office space whereas others like to work in a clinical environment. By having your own dedicated space, you can customise your work space to optimise your productivity. It is entirely down to your personal preference, style and budget.

To discuss which garden office would best suit your needs, why not give our sales team a call on 01234 272 445 or check out our range, and their customisation options, online. Alternatively, we can call you at a time that is best for you if you fill in our request a call back form.


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