7 Easy Ways to Maintain the Beauty of Your Garden During Winter


We all love the feeling of being prepared for a new season, knowing that our garden will be protected and kept looking perfect ready to bloom and blossom in spring. This article provides the perfect checklist to help you feel completely organised this autumn to maintain your garden during winter.

1. Clean up and Glow Up

Get scrubbing! Unused plant pots that will collect debris, patios, pathways, greenhouses and decking all stay better protected and more usable in spring if they are quickly cleaned and tidied up before winter.

2. Tuck in Your Flowerbeds

To make sure your lawn borders bloom in spring, cut back all plants and flowers. Then neatly apply some compost, bark or well-rotted manure to help your soil to nurture your spring display over the colder months.

3. Attack Those Leaves

Rake, blast and battle back those leaves to remove as many from the lawn as possible. Of course, they won’t stay away-but clear lawn, clear mind! They can also really come in handy when used to make leaf mould. Fill a bin with leaves and sprinkle with water. Once made into a crumbly texture, spread onto your borders and beds to feed the soil.

4. Make it Evergreen

To keep your garden from losing all colour and variety in winter, why not invest in some easy evergreens. You may not have tried these before, and the list of possibilities is endless!

5. Give Attention to Your Tools

To protect from rust and wear, use this period of preparation as an opportunity to service your lawnmower, for example. You may also want to make sure that throughout the winter, your garden tools will be kept clean and dry. Metal items should also be oiled to prevent rust.

6. Go Veggie!

If you normally abandon your planting and growing through winter, why not try growing winter-friendly vegetables instead? How about something more rare- like asparagus or pak choi? These flourish in winter, and will save you money on the weekly shop!

7. Get your Garden Building Ready

Of course, this is the most important part. Make sure that your log cabin or garden office has been treated during the drier weather, in order to protect it from absorbing too much water during heavy rain. Pressure treated timber can also be treated using a water repellent, such as on your gazebo or shed. Organise and tidy up your shed and get everything ready for spring!


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