How To Spring Clean Your Workspace

As we move into Spring, it is a good time to clean where you spend a lot of you time.

For some people, the place where you spend most of your time is at your workspace. Firstly, by maintaining a year-round clean and tidy workspace you can make a good impression on clients. Also a clean space helps keep you feeling better. Now, it is time to create a spring-cleaning checklist!

Some spring cleaning tips that may be beneficial as a starting place for  your spring cleaning:

Organise Your Draws

A good place to start is by clearing your draws. By throwing or even shredding anything that is outdated or no longer needed, perhaps a few draft copies of something. If your workspace does not allow for any decluttering of old papers due to their importance, consider getting some separate storage. Once the old papers are in the new storage system, spend some time creating a file system: label file folders clearly, place in alphabetical order or date order. Once done, store away!

Titania INSULATED Garden OfficeTitania INSULATED Garden Office W5.5m x D3.5m


Dust, Dust and More Dust!

Not only is dust unpleasant when it settles on your office’s furnishings and decorations. Some people are sensitive to dust and dust mites, which can result in allergic responses and respiratory problems. Grab a dust cloth to clean surfaces, or use a hoover with a dusting attachment to remove dirt from dusty surfaces, to get rid of it.

Certain workshop may attract lots of dust. However, cabin-style workshops, like the Petrus Heavy Duty Log Cabin Workshop W2.5m x D3m, are ideal for small DIY projects or for storing your tools, bicycles, motorcycle, or mower, which can easily be wheeled in over the low threshold up onto the workshop floor. A pair of air vents are included, with the Petrus, to help air circulation and combat dust.

Petrus WorkshopPetrus Heavy Duty Log Cabin Workshop W2.5m x D3m


Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces

Think about your workspace and where is the most used, during the spring clean it is a good idea to grab some disinfectant and wipe over the frequently used spaces. This could be your desk space, with your keyboard and mouse. Or essentially this could be where clients come and visit your home office. It is best to clean all the places that you can think of as well as any door handles and chairs. Also, consider placing a hand sanitiser station to help employees, clients, and visitors to avoid spreading any germs in and around the office.

The Avon Log Cabin has provided the perfect work from home space for a beauty salon. By cleaning the treatment beds between clients can help eliminate any germs. As well as having the double doors open on the Avon, a natural airflow will be able to help circulate a fresh breeze to help eliminate any lingering germs.

Avon Log Cabin W3m x D3mAvon Log Cabin W3m x D3m


Update The Items That Make You Happy

Take a look around your workspace. Find the things that make you happy, this could be your colourful highlighters and pens that make note taking a little more fun, this could be a cute family photo or even that mug you drink your daily teas and coffees in! Keep all your happy things right where you can see and enjoy them everyday you’re in your workspace!

Now, look around and look at the things that may need some more TLC. Is your office plant looking a little sad and underwatered? This would be a great time to repot your plants and place them along the office window so they can continue to thrive in the spring sunshine. The Helena Garden Office (Discountinued) is a perfect set up for a nail salon with the large windows allowing natural light to flow into the room, which the plants love!

Helena INSULATED Garden Office - LeftHelena INSULATED Garden Office – Left W4.5m x D2.5m (Discountinued)


A Handy Tip to Remember:

Do A Little At A Time

Sometimes. Spring cleaning can feel a little overwhelming with a big list of everything you wish to accomplish. Before starting, take some time and make a plan of what you want to achieve for that day or just as and when you have time. Working around your schedule is a great way to productively get all the odd jobs done.


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