Working From Home: The Do’s and Don’ts

Working from home has started to become the norm for many companies, it’s been a way to reduce costs of having office spaces and many of us actually quite enjoy it.

It’s so important to keep a strong routine in check when working from home, this helps to ensure a productive day of work is possible. Here are some of our recommendations on what to do and what not to do when working from home.

Do keep in contact with your work colleagues 

Maintaining communication is important, especially if you are used to working in a large team of people, where you are constantly discussing new and upcoming ideas. Try and keep in contact with your team using one or several of the wonderful digital platforms available. Arranging video conferencing every other day or so helps everyone to stay in the loop of what work is being completed. It is also nice to chat if you have a particularly collaborative office.

Don’t over indulge 

Everybody loves a good snack but you might find yourself over-eating when you are working remotely. Try and stick to your normal eating routine like you would at work. Constantly eating can sometimes make you feel sluggish and your working day can be affected. Adopting some healthier snack options is also a great idea, swapping out biscuits to some fresh fruit will do wonders.

Do make an effort to get dressed in the morning

Make the effort to have a shower and dress up a little before you log on for the day, pyjamas and gowns are just far too cosy to work in. It definitely isn’t necessary to put on the type of clothing that you would wear to the office, but putting on something other than the clothes you woke up in, will help you be more productive than you think.

Don’t let yourself be distracted

Working from home means that you have got a lot of distractions around you. It is very important to take yourself away from anything that won’t allow you to concentrate. Try to avoid putting the television on, or working in an area that is communal. Sometimes the idea of working in a café sounds wonderful and exciting but really, it’s full of distractions. A home office is the best place to be.

Do play music for background noise

Play a little music in the background, to avoid working in complete silence. Working without your colleagues beside you is daunting enough, so music can help bring a little atmosphere to your workspace. Radio stations are fantastic to feel like you’re not completely on your own during workday.

Don’t just work from any room in the house 

Set yourself up one area in your home as your workspace. Working in different areas everyday will require you to move your belongings from one end of the house to another. This is difficult especially if you have a lot of equipment. Also, choose a workspace where you can just leave after your working day and not have to enter the space until the next morning. If you leave your work in a communal area like the kitchen, you’ll find you don’t switch off.

Do take breaks

Sometimes when working from home you forget to take short breaks, including your lunch. You want to take some time away from your work space and give yourself a mental break. Organise your day as you would at work and take your lunch break. During your lunch break take yourself on a walk, a chance to refresh and recharge for the afternoon.

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